I am a Researcher at the Aeronautics Advanced Manufacturing Centre (CFAA in Spanish), part of the University of the Basque Country.
This website shows a brief synopsis of my research, a summary of my professional experience and ways to contact me.
My contact e-mail: endika.tapia@ehu.eus
My main research area is parallel and distributed computing, with focus on the following topics:
- High performance computing
- Scalable data processing systems
- Industrial communication protocols
- Cloud and edge computing
A list of publications is available in Google Scholar.
Work Experience
- 2021-Now : Research Software Engineer, Aeronautics Advanced Manufacturing Centre (CFAA).
- 2021: BSc in Computer Engineering of Management and Information Systems. University of the Basque Country, Bilbao (Spain).
Thesis: Digital twin prototype for real-time anomaly detection on machine tools, advised by Unai Lopez-Novoa.
Contact and Social Media
You can find me in LinkedIn.